Saturday, March 9, 2013

Homo Faber

  As  Homo Faber Mr. Wickerson’s  show  was well planned, but has a relation to an apocryphal and scatological tale of an old Inuit man , which I should like to recount now.  Rather than be  acculturated/institutionalized in government housing;  they have taken away all his tools: knives, spears, fish hooks ,sled, etc.  He steps outside the govt. shed drops his trousers,  defecates  into his hands, and molds it, lets it freeze into a knife shape, uses to kill the first dog, which he skins. He fashions a sled out of the bones ; traces and harness out of the skin ; harnesses the other dogs  and mushes out into the blizzard.  Michael determined to create  a show with nothing but his hands and plaster,; he’s a person who does what he intends. - Yours Russell Ferguson 2006

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